Monday, March 2, 2009

How Was Your Monday?

Phew, I had a busy one today at work. The local paper was coming at ten to take a picture of our deli to run with an article about the place that will run in the Focus on Business Section in the Ashland Times Gazette. Not sure when but if you see the article about Troy Road Market, take a look at that deli case in that picture and you'll see how busy I was today. GRRR!!!! lol. That's what I do plus wait on customers. I had my hands full today and it's not a day I wish to repeat anytime soon. I guess secretly I had expected a little more of my co-worker's over the weekend in preparation for the ordeal. Anywho......

I'm not going to do much tonight cause I am tired and I have laundry to do/finish. Certainly nothing fun like I want to do but something to do none the less. lol. I'm fixing pork chops for supper. Not sure yet what will go with them but it won't be too hard to come up with a side or two. Yesterday's plan for the lemon pork chops didn't work out so I'll probably just fry them tonight. Shawn's home tonight and he certainly won't go for the chops made that way. He doesn't like his meat baked with sauces and gravies on them. He puts steak sauce on everything he eats. lol. And he won't eat anything else besides biscuits and gravy and corn. I get so tired of biscuits and gravy. I wish he were more like his brother who will eat about anything. lol. The older Tony gets, the more he tries and the more different he eats than what he grew up on. Wish the old man and Shawn would try more things and eat more combinations of things. I can keep on hopin' anyway.

I'm going to end early tonight. I have my plants to move back into the livingroom. I moved them to the kitchen the last two weekends so they can get some light. Can't wait til I can just put them outside and forget it for awhile. Hey, wait I thought I said I wasn't doing much this evening. Looks like I have a few things to do. Have a great night.

Happy Stitching,



Stephanie said...

Hey Renee, just wanted to pop by and say Hi! In my opinion, cook what you like! They will either be hungry enough to finally eat it or start cooking on their own! The lemon chops sound yummy and easy to make! See Ya!

QuiltedSimple said...

I'll have to look for that article in the Times Gazette - we get it here at work. Sounds like you will be busy tonight. Have a great evening!

LuAnn said...

I love how your name scrolls across the page in the earlier post. That is just too cool!!! I love putting things on my blog that move, but when I get one on there that does I can't figure out how I was able to do it. Well...I would even bring over the meat with some juice on it if you would make me a good batch of biscuits and gravy. My gravy looks a lot like school paste...unless I buy it in a jar.