I saw it yesterday, Friday, on Oprah I believe and I checked it out on youtube just now. Same thing occured both times this woman opened her mouth, I immediately got goosebumps. Today watching the youtube version, I also felt my eyes brimming with tears and then they quickly rolled down my cheeks. I don't know how to explain the way I feel about this but I guess I am in awe as well as feeling that this woman is truly the epitome of beautiful. I believe she must be beautiful from the core inside. I was just caught up in her performance and I truly saw beauty in this woman's eyes as she sang her heart out and if she doesn't succeed in becoming celebrity, not just Britain but everywhere,the world has missed the boat. I'm just dumbfounded and kinda speechless but I had to share this. It touched my old cold heart just a little bit.
Go here to see what I mean:
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Oh Woe Is Me!!

WAH!!!!!I have been covered in hives since I rolled out of bed Thursday morning. I can hold them at bay with benadryl every four hours but it's lights out for me when taking that stuff. I try putting it off sometimes but then I kinda get them full blown and the itching is maddening. This is the third time in my life I've had these. Both prior times were associated with intense stress going on in my life but I haven't been particularly stressed at this time. Life is always hectic but I didn't think it was affecting me that bad right now. It's not an allergy to anything and I haven't tried anything new and improved so I know that's not it.
Needless to say I've been kinda like a zombie for about three days now and I'm hoping today won't be such a bad day. Not feeling bad right now cause it's just been two hours since last benadryl. I am so sleepy though but I have to stay awake. I have stuff to do that has already been put off long enough. Obviously no quilting going on either. Had planned to have the big one done this weekend and those plans went right out the window. Hope everyone else is being creative and enjoying a nice holiday weekend. Happy Easter in case I don't make it back.
Take care and Happy Stitching,
Monday, April 6, 2009
Yucky Monday
Well, I think that instead of springing forward weather wise, we are falling back. It was like winter here all over again today. It's April 6th and it snowed a fair amount. It's not sticking but I don't like it. lol. I much prefer last Wednesday's temps of 69/70 over the current offering. lol. I saw folks mowing their yards here just yesterday as it was fairly nice then too. Tomorrow is supposed to be even worse. Gotta love Ohio.
Yesterday for my son's birthday, we went to the mall and out to eat at Red Lobster. We had a great time. The meal was wonderful. We bought the boy a pair of spiffy new tennis shoes for his gift. I think he enjoyed himself. In between the mall and supper though we had a few extra minutes before we were to meet our other son and daughter in law at the restaurant so guess where I got to go? It was JoAnn's. I could get lost in there but I stick to the fabric section. I left empty handed but I saw alot of lovely stuff. I just can't afford them to be honest. I can't bring myself to pay five bucks a yard for material. I started buying fabric at wal-mart where I always only paid three or four a yard tops. I liked their 2.97 fabrics and the clearance rack. I liked the clearance rack alot!! lol. But like poo poo heads our local store got rid of the domestics department and I have no where other than the little independent shops around here to shop for it and again, I just can't justify it cost wise. I keep hoping that on the rare occasion I do get to JoAnn's that I'll find some awesome deal on something I can really use but it hasn't happened yet. lol.
I tried quilting Saturday for awhile but it did not go well so instead of going through the whole sew it up/tear em' out routine like last time I just politely got up and walked away at the first hint of trouble. lol. I really just wanted to come home from work today and get busy on it but I'll be danged if I didn't get a visitor who stayed from 1:20 until about 3:00. I should feel bad about complaining about getting company and should be happy that folks want to stop and see me and spend some time with me but I just really don't appreciate folks dropping in on me unannounced at all. There were some things I was going to do today as well and I mentioned that fact but it didn't speed up the visit a bit. What do you do? It's almost time for hubby to get home and then I'll have to start supper and after that I'll have to go do those things I was going to do earlier. Probably no quilting today at all now. Wasn't meant to be I guess. lol.
I hope everyone had a great weekend. I'm getting ready to do the blog roll for the first time today and I can't wait to see what you all have been up to. Take care.
Happy Stitching!!!
Yesterday for my son's birthday, we went to the mall and out to eat at Red Lobster. We had a great time. The meal was wonderful. We bought the boy a pair of spiffy new tennis shoes for his gift. I think he enjoyed himself. In between the mall and supper though we had a few extra minutes before we were to meet our other son and daughter in law at the restaurant so guess where I got to go? It was JoAnn's. I could get lost in there but I stick to the fabric section. I left empty handed but I saw alot of lovely stuff. I just can't afford them to be honest. I can't bring myself to pay five bucks a yard for material. I started buying fabric at wal-mart where I always only paid three or four a yard tops. I liked their 2.97 fabrics and the clearance rack. I liked the clearance rack alot!! lol. But like poo poo heads our local store got rid of the domestics department and I have no where other than the little independent shops around here to shop for it and again, I just can't justify it cost wise. I keep hoping that on the rare occasion I do get to JoAnn's that I'll find some awesome deal on something I can really use but it hasn't happened yet. lol.
I tried quilting Saturday for awhile but it did not go well so instead of going through the whole sew it up/tear em' out routine like last time I just politely got up and walked away at the first hint of trouble. lol. I really just wanted to come home from work today and get busy on it but I'll be danged if I didn't get a visitor who stayed from 1:20 until about 3:00. I should feel bad about complaining about getting company and should be happy that folks want to stop and see me and spend some time with me but I just really don't appreciate folks dropping in on me unannounced at all. There were some things I was going to do today as well and I mentioned that fact but it didn't speed up the visit a bit. What do you do? It's almost time for hubby to get home and then I'll have to start supper and after that I'll have to go do those things I was going to do earlier. Probably no quilting today at all now. Wasn't meant to be I guess. lol.
I hope everyone had a great weekend. I'm getting ready to do the blog roll for the first time today and I can't wait to see what you all have been up to. Take care.
Happy Stitching!!!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Is It Saturday Again Already?
If this week wasn't a whirlwind around here, I don't know what else you'd call it. lol. It's nice to sit here and have a moment to catch my breath this morning. But it's only for a minute because I'm going to try and knock out the quilt today. I don't mean finish it but at least get the quilting done. I must admit all week I have been at a standstill on doing any sewing. I'm looking forward to implementing some great tips you've all left for me. I'll let you know how it goes.
Not this past Thursday but the Thursday before, I took my youngest to the doctor. He will be 18 tomorrow and I wanted him to have a big once-over before then and we aren't quite sure how long we can carry his insurance yet so I wanted a few things addressed. He's been having a problem that seems to have gotten worse with time and we decided we had to check that out. When he gets up, he like blacks out. He doesn't fall to the ground or anything but he has to stop where he is and gather himself. His eyes go black and he can't hear, etc. when this happens to him and if one of us is around we grab on to him til it passes to make sure he's okay. Everyone cautioned me against diabetes. I wasn't worried about that because I know diabetes too well and this wasn't classic of anything I'd witnessed there but I was kind of worried about it being perhaps a seizure like activity. And he's been having some shoulder trouble. Anyway, then last Friday he went and had bloodwork, shoulder and chest x-rays, and an EKG. It's been a waiting game all week. Monday we did get the bloodwork results. Everything looks great. No diabetes, no thyroid problems, etc. Yay!! Tuesday the x-ray results came back. Nothing out of place, no growths, spurs, etc. Lungs were clear as crystal. Yay!!!! Wednesday scared me. Usually I know in emergency situations EKG results are back asap. I was worried they'd found something and that's why it was taking so long to hear back. And when the doctor's office called and said please call us regarding Shawn's results, my stomach sank. But, it was also returned with a great reading and all has shown to be well. Thank God!!! I have a problem with worry and I can't tell you how it worked on me until all those results came back clear. Now, because doctors are doctors and they're scared of their own shadows when it comes to malpractice, if he continues to have any more trouble with these spells and/or they become more frequent, he is to go see a neurologist. For the shoulder, an orthopedic doctor. It's kind of like we went to the doctor, he didn't know what it could be, he ran tests, he still doesn't know what it could be but we could go ahead and see two more doctors if we want to possibly tell us the same thing, we don't know what it is. I'm convinced the kid is just one of those who have to watch when getting up too quickly. I will certainly keep an eye on it though as I said I was worried about seizure activity and I'm not ruling out seeing a neurologist yet but we're trying some things to see if we can minimize it. The shoulder thing, it's weird. Both of my sons were born with broken collar bones. They were 9lbs. 2oz. and 10lbs 3oz. at birth respectively and while there is nothing in x-rays and ortho's have said the oldest boys problems wouldn't be related, I still think it plays a roll in the pain they experience. But, who am I? I'm just their mother, I wouldn't know anything about it, would I? lol.
On the work front, there was so much drama there this week that I almost couldn't stand being there. I have to say I was not involved in any way, shape or form and for that I am grateful but even the innocent have a way of getting involved in mass chaos. I'm still not sure what will be taking place with one, possibly three of our employee's but the thought of three of them leaving out of there means this chick will be working double, triple time doing not only my work but picking up the slack with theirs. (Shakes Head) I just have to tell myself I am fortunate to have this job and I keep going back day after day. lol.
Wednesday was a pretty good day on the sewing front. Well not actually sewing but ORDERS for sewing. Yay!!! The lady I am doing this quilt for came to see it and she loves it already. Told me to hurry up she has two more she wants me to do. She and her sister also saw the little purse I made for Spring and if I can get them ready before Easter, they'll likely take three purses. Then before I went to work Thursday I checked my email and my neice wrote and she wants 11 crayon bags for her son's preschool class. I was so happy I think I was walking on the clouds awhile Thursday. lol. My hubby warned me that I had just made the comment that if I wasn't sewing just for the pure fun of it, I wasn't doing anymore projects for people. Well, maybe saying that is what it took to get these orders and make me see maybe I can make a little money at something I love to do. We'll see. I reserve the right to regret taking it all on. lol. But here is my motivation at this point, when it's all said and done, there is approximately $500.00 dollars worth of work. I could use that. We have a graduation coming up in June and while the bulk of the costs are paid for that, we still have a party to throw for it, pictures to be made and school fee's to be paid up. My day is hopefully going to be spent working on the quilt so I can switch the machine back over for sewing purses and crayon bags sometime this coming week.
I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. We're going to Red Lobster for a birthday celebration and maybe some shopping for a gift afterwards. We usually try to go to Red Lobster once a year. Usually when we get our tax refund check. This year we held off so we could go on Shawn's birthday. It's where we went for Tony's 18th so it's only fair we do it for Shawn. Plus he loves that place. I was hoping to have him a family get together but he's not crazy about those family get together's and we are going to be with the whole family for Easter next Sunday so I might see if we can't celebrate his birthday with a cake and mention then. And I might just decide yet to invite folks over tomorrow evening for cake and ice cream too. Who knows? Tomorrow is definately a family day though so probably no blogging, quilting or anything tomnorrow. So, I better get busy now today so I can get something done with that quilt. Everyone take care. Thanks for the great tips on this quilting project. I have yet to finish that one row I was working on and then I am going to do as suggested and start the next round by doing it in quarters instead of the rows.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and are doing something quilty. Can't wait to check later and see some new projects on your sites.
Happy Stitching,
Not this past Thursday but the Thursday before, I took my youngest to the doctor. He will be 18 tomorrow and I wanted him to have a big once-over before then and we aren't quite sure how long we can carry his insurance yet so I wanted a few things addressed. He's been having a problem that seems to have gotten worse with time and we decided we had to check that out. When he gets up, he like blacks out. He doesn't fall to the ground or anything but he has to stop where he is and gather himself. His eyes go black and he can't hear, etc. when this happens to him and if one of us is around we grab on to him til it passes to make sure he's okay. Everyone cautioned me against diabetes. I wasn't worried about that because I know diabetes too well and this wasn't classic of anything I'd witnessed there but I was kind of worried about it being perhaps a seizure like activity. And he's been having some shoulder trouble. Anyway, then last Friday he went and had bloodwork, shoulder and chest x-rays, and an EKG. It's been a waiting game all week. Monday we did get the bloodwork results. Everything looks great. No diabetes, no thyroid problems, etc. Yay!! Tuesday the x-ray results came back. Nothing out of place, no growths, spurs, etc. Lungs were clear as crystal. Yay!!!! Wednesday scared me. Usually I know in emergency situations EKG results are back asap. I was worried they'd found something and that's why it was taking so long to hear back. And when the doctor's office called and said please call us regarding Shawn's results, my stomach sank. But, it was also returned with a great reading and all has shown to be well. Thank God!!! I have a problem with worry and I can't tell you how it worked on me until all those results came back clear. Now, because doctors are doctors and they're scared of their own shadows when it comes to malpractice, if he continues to have any more trouble with these spells and/or they become more frequent, he is to go see a neurologist. For the shoulder, an orthopedic doctor. It's kind of like we went to the doctor, he didn't know what it could be, he ran tests, he still doesn't know what it could be but we could go ahead and see two more doctors if we want to possibly tell us the same thing, we don't know what it is. I'm convinced the kid is just one of those who have to watch when getting up too quickly. I will certainly keep an eye on it though as I said I was worried about seizure activity and I'm not ruling out seeing a neurologist yet but we're trying some things to see if we can minimize it. The shoulder thing, it's weird. Both of my sons were born with broken collar bones. They were 9lbs. 2oz. and 10lbs 3oz. at birth respectively and while there is nothing in x-rays and ortho's have said the oldest boys problems wouldn't be related, I still think it plays a roll in the pain they experience. But, who am I? I'm just their mother, I wouldn't know anything about it, would I? lol.
On the work front, there was so much drama there this week that I almost couldn't stand being there. I have to say I was not involved in any way, shape or form and for that I am grateful but even the innocent have a way of getting involved in mass chaos. I'm still not sure what will be taking place with one, possibly three of our employee's but the thought of three of them leaving out of there means this chick will be working double, triple time doing not only my work but picking up the slack with theirs. (Shakes Head) I just have to tell myself I am fortunate to have this job and I keep going back day after day. lol.
Wednesday was a pretty good day on the sewing front. Well not actually sewing but ORDERS for sewing. Yay!!! The lady I am doing this quilt for came to see it and she loves it already. Told me to hurry up she has two more she wants me to do. She and her sister also saw the little purse I made for Spring and if I can get them ready before Easter, they'll likely take three purses. Then before I went to work Thursday I checked my email and my neice wrote and she wants 11 crayon bags for her son's preschool class. I was so happy I think I was walking on the clouds awhile Thursday. lol. My hubby warned me that I had just made the comment that if I wasn't sewing just for the pure fun of it, I wasn't doing anymore projects for people. Well, maybe saying that is what it took to get these orders and make me see maybe I can make a little money at something I love to do. We'll see. I reserve the right to regret taking it all on. lol. But here is my motivation at this point, when it's all said and done, there is approximately $500.00 dollars worth of work. I could use that. We have a graduation coming up in June and while the bulk of the costs are paid for that, we still have a party to throw for it, pictures to be made and school fee's to be paid up. My day is hopefully going to be spent working on the quilt so I can switch the machine back over for sewing purses and crayon bags sometime this coming week.
I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. We're going to Red Lobster for a birthday celebration and maybe some shopping for a gift afterwards. We usually try to go to Red Lobster once a year. Usually when we get our tax refund check. This year we held off so we could go on Shawn's birthday. It's where we went for Tony's 18th so it's only fair we do it for Shawn. Plus he loves that place. I was hoping to have him a family get together but he's not crazy about those family get together's and we are going to be with the whole family for Easter next Sunday so I might see if we can't celebrate his birthday with a cake and mention then. And I might just decide yet to invite folks over tomorrow evening for cake and ice cream too. Who knows? Tomorrow is definately a family day though so probably no blogging, quilting or anything tomnorrow. So, I better get busy now today so I can get something done with that quilt. Everyone take care. Thanks for the great tips on this quilting project. I have yet to finish that one row I was working on and then I am going to do as suggested and start the next round by doing it in quarters instead of the rows.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and are doing something quilty. Can't wait to check later and see some new projects on your sites.
Happy Stitching,
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