Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bring It On! A Farewell to 2010

Helloooow to everyone.  I hope this finds everyone out there still basking in the Christmas glow and gearing up wholeheartedly for a grandiose New Year.  I knew I'd mess around and miss out on wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and sure enough I did.  My apologies to all.  I didn't even get around to posting our holiday pics or anything.  I suppose it's too late now anyway.  It would kind of be like being the house in the neighborhood that left it's decorations up until February.  Enough is enough.  lol.  Plus I look really, really fat in our pictures this year so I don't mind not sharing those ones.  he he.  We had a really good Christmas and loved every minute spent with family and friends.

Actually the last month or so hasn't been the greatest on earth but I have to say it's certainly not the worst either.  I don't make resolutions but I always look forward to a New Year and associate it with a fresh new start.  Like a chance to do better, work harder, accomplish more, etc.  Don't know why that is but I do.  We don't have any plans for tomorrow night.  My oldest son and his wife are having a party.  A friend of ours invited us down to another friends place for a party and we just don't know if we'll go anywhere.  I certainly don't have to go anywhere but I think it would be kind of neat to go do something.  But in the end I know I will pull my usual stunt and chicken out of doing anything anyway.  lol.  I just hate that for hubs.  He still likes people.  lol. 

First, only and last minute Christmas shopping did not freak me out this year like it has the last two.  The pressure I have felt in years past to spend and splurge on the kids is virtually all but gone this year.  The youngest was only 18 last year and I had this hang up about it being maybe his last Christmas at home and I didn't want him recalling it as "cheesy" so I put a lot of pressure on myself last year.  But this year I have watched him grow as a young man and get a job and take care of his own needs and I just don't feel like I have to provide him with the world anymore.  He does still stay at home but his staying at home usually consists of sleeping and showering.  lol.  Plus, I don't care if he's here until he's 70 anyway.  That's my son.  But that doesn't mean I don't want to eventually see him sprout his wings and fly either.  The time will come but it's rough in this economy and I'm not throwing him out there to sink or swim.  I wasn't (and probably should have been.  lol.) and I will eternally be grateful to my Mother for her role and support in my life.  It "scurs" me to think where we'd be without her.

I'm really happy to report that my husband and I have both gotten over our sickness.  Finally.  It took a good 3-4 weeks to be back to top notch.  I never though my nose would dry up.  I was so bad I thought about praying for boogers.  lol.   And if that was the flu then I'm glad it's over with and hopefully my immunity is better for it.  I hope no one else gets it out there in blog land if you've managed to escape it thus far.  Here's to all of us a healthy New Year too!!

Before I go tonight, I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year.  May it be wonderous and safe.

God Bless,



LuAnn said...

Hi Renee We leave our tree and decorations up here until New Years so I would love to see you post photos of your Christmas. All of our snow melted today, and it just brown and muddy. The outside decorations look a bit out of place. It is supposed to be nearly 60 here tomorrow. Hope you have a Happy New Year and that we all get lots of our UFOs finished up.

Renee said...

We got that rain and warmer temps and our snow is melting as we speak and turning to a nice shade of mud. lol. But I'm happy to see the daggone ice chunks gone. It's treacherous in our gravel drive when the snow and ice builds up even a little. Con to it melting is that there's a tiny lake out there with my car in the middle of it right now. lol. Happy New Year!!

~Niki~ said...

Happy new year!
I am feeling this with my son. He is 17 and ahalf. He will be 18 in July. BUT he already finished high school. He cannot get a diploma til May but he is finished. He wanted to go to a university, but couldn't hack the math. So he's thinking police academy~cannot apply til 21 here in AZ.
He's been working since 15. He's now at burger king. I just am so worried he won't go back to school~won't get a degree of sorts. I dunno. Currently he stays up til 3 a.m. and sleeps til 3 pm it seems LOL. hugs to you.