Saturday, November 6, 2010

Doh! If I Weren't So Bullheaded!!!

Grrr. Here are three little known things about me that complicate my life:
#1-I don't like rules, instructions, patterns or anything that requires
me to follow directions.
#2-I get bored very easy. Haven't always but sure do now.
#3-I'm stubborn. Been told I was worse than my Mother in that regard.
I tell em "thanks" when they tell me that. lol. Although, I admit
that in her day there were times when I thought her record in that
department couldn't be beat. lol.

Anyway, perhaps those three things combined is why I got this to show for it:

Are you all laughing as hard as I am?  LOL.  Ha ha.  I think I might need to modify my pattern just a fuzz.  Lol.  It's too funny.  Maybe I should consider browsing for a pattern somewhere after all.  lol.  Oh well, live and learn right?  lol.  Just had to share my weird little ole stocking with you all.  lol.  Oh, and go ahead and feel free to laugh.  I would. 




countrychicken said...

Just like knitting, back to the drawing board. In my case rip, rip, rip.

LuAnn said...

I really dislike reading directions, too....especially to something that is not quilt a new small appliance. I just tell my hubby to read the directions, figure it out and then tell me what to do. I am a little bullheaded, too. I think that's a good trait sometimes????

Renee said...

Country Chicken:
You are so right. I'll go back after bit and try again probably. I feel a little guilty because I should be making border blocks. But not that much so it's hard to tell what I will pull out of the pile. lol. Have a great day.

Renee said...

Oh LuAnn, sometimes I get so frustrated with directions. I'm a "Show me, don't tell me" kind of gal. I learn best by hands on. I'm ashamed to tell it but I didn't have a clue how to even thread my machine or bobbin when I got it. Hubs had to read the book and show me how to do it. Just like you said. lol. In regards to bullheadedness, you're right, sometimes it can be a good thing. For me though, today it is not a good thing as far as the stocking went. lol. Have a good one.