Blah Blah-Blah Blah Blah Blah. I know there's a song in that somewhere but all it is to me today is Blah Blah Blah. lol. It is a rainy, cold, yucky, dreary old day round here friends. Yesterday kind of sucked big time. Just one of those days I guess. And for a Monday, today wasn't so bad at work but now that I am home, I can't wait for someone to get here to lift my spirits. It seems I sat right here just a while ago and downloaded a "malware" to my computer under the guise of a spyware detection/update. NICE!!!! Microsoft seems to have a cure here but it could take 80 plus minutes for their scan to do it's thing. So, here I am. lol. And I will quit whining now cause it's just nothing but a thing and it could be so much worse. lol.
My main reason to write today wasn't to whine anyway. It is to say "Yeah"!!! Even though yesterday could have been a better day, I did get some sewing done. I had two pair of jeans for a friend that needed patched and I've had them plenty long enough so when my son brought in two more pairs in dire need of emergency fixin', I figured I might as well do those others while I was at it. Done! Four pairs of repaired blue jeans. Not pretty but still wearable. lol.
Then Shawn, my youngest boy has had a t-shirt he said needed sewn up in the back, also been on my agenda some time, so I dug it out and man, what a mess. Of course it wasn't just undone from the collar or something, it was ripped just below the collar seam. I just hand sewed that gouged mess the best I could and told him it wasn't lookin' good. I would have liked to have the time, know- how and material to have patched all of these items and replace the bad area's completely but I am not that brave and these pants are nothing more than work pants that can't look much worse anyway, so all I did to them was put in a patch behind all the ripped and torn mess and sewed around it two or three times to make sure the patch was good and secure under it all. We'll see how it works out.
Also, hubby had a pair of long johns that had lost the elastic in the waist and I swear they were about two feet wide where it was all stretched and floppy. lol. What? They're probably 10 to 12 years old anyway and spending four bucks last week at the dollar store for a new pair almost killed him so I took a crack at fixin' these mile wide ones. lol. I know my elastic is old but I think maybe I stretched it too far too and so while they at least stay on his hips now, they are still large around the waste. lol. But wait, I'm not giving up on them yet. No sir, I have another idea I can try to save them. lol. Talk about using the life out of something. lol. I'll let you know how that goes. lol.
I know it doesn't seem like much but it just cleared my plate a big old bunch to get those little piddly things out of the way. I'm still stuck on what to use on my Christmas Present wallhanging. What do you think of lace bows? Anyone? I'd appreciate some input on that one. Does anyone know of any photo's or tutorials on lace bows? lol.
Other than that, I'm pretty free to start on a quilt project. While I still haven't finished the cursed Flower Garden Quilt, I just do not want to deal with it anymore just yet. I have a really cute baby boy quilt already cut out and a special flannel backing for it and all. I was going to make it for a friend at work who was expecting a little boy last spring but I decided to go with the cowboy theme for his. It's listed as Koltin's Quilt in the photo gallery of my quilts way down yonder on the page. lol. This one I'm wanting to do now is a football theme with a red background and then I have solid bright white and royal blue blocks to alternate with. The back is this really, really thick flannel I got somewhere and it is solid white with these little blue and red diamond like design. Really nice piece for a little boy's quilt. I absolutely refuse to use anything with even a shred of pink in it or a flower for a boys quilt. I don't know why but it can't have any girly stuff in it. lol.
Well, I have a bunch to get done around the house here before honey gets home. My boss gave me two really neat lamps today. She got new ones and was going to throw these ones away and decided to bring them to work for anyone who wanted them instead. Yeah, I am so glad she did. Now I have to put those where I want them too. We did re-arrange our livingroom yesterday to make way for the Christmas tree and these "new" lamps will be just great in there. So for now, I will stop yacking and start working. Hope you all are getting lots of quilty things done.
Have a Good Evening!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
It's Me Again
I just wanted to see if everyone is ready for the upcoming holiday yet? I can't wait. My brother and his wife have decided to host this year. This brings a deep sigh of relief for my sister and I as she isn't feeling the best and I have to work awhile on Thanksgiving. Ordinarily, I like to have Thanksgiving but I'm not arguing this year. I hope everyone's plans are coming together and you have great holidays with your famlies and loved ones.
I wanted to post about that Christmas wallhanging I am working on. I am at a standstill until I can get some ribbon. Turns out what I had, I had to cut it down to size and of course, it frayed. I thought about forgetting about the one piece of ribbon and just using bows on it made out of what I have here on hand but I'm not sure I like the way it will look. I just had an idea. I could use lace or ric rac in place of the one ribbon and I could possibly live with the bows I have if lace or ric rac will work. Hmmm. Now I'm pondering. Anyway, that is what I have on that. When I decide which direction to take it, I will post some more current photo's.
I got all the presents made up for the girls from my forum. Still no covered calendar books yet but I think I've decided to just use what I have. I think they'll be happy with the coffee cozy's and tissue holder. I would be.
My table runner I started still isn't finished. I have to finish tying off the ends and it's done. That's all that's left. I just about go blind every time I try to work on it though. I need new glasses in the worst way. It was just for me to see if I could do it so that's no biggie if it gets done or not.
Still got a couple of corn bags to do but I'm switching over to rice this time. I am having bad luck with the field corn and I'm just going with rice from now on. I had my son's ready to go the other day and I pull out the corn, fill the sack and when I moved the collander the corn was in, there were little, tiny, black bugs all over my ironing board. I pitched the whole entire mess right outside. How gross!!! lol. At this point I am just going to make him and my daughter-in-law one each for a little Christmas gift. He's waited this long, what's another month? lol.
That's about all that's on my plate right now. I do want to get some drapes made. We're really starting to feel the draft with the cold weather setting in. I thought it would be a great way to use up some of that upholstry fabric I have and it would look at least a little better than the Cleveland Indians blanket over the windows. lol. What's everybody else got going on?
I'll call it a night for now. Hope everyone is stitching away.
Night, Night
I wanted to post about that Christmas wallhanging I am working on. I am at a standstill until I can get some ribbon. Turns out what I had, I had to cut it down to size and of course, it frayed. I thought about forgetting about the one piece of ribbon and just using bows on it made out of what I have here on hand but I'm not sure I like the way it will look. I just had an idea. I could use lace or ric rac in place of the one ribbon and I could possibly live with the bows I have if lace or ric rac will work. Hmmm. Now I'm pondering. Anyway, that is what I have on that. When I decide which direction to take it, I will post some more current photo's.
I got all the presents made up for the girls from my forum. Still no covered calendar books yet but I think I've decided to just use what I have. I think they'll be happy with the coffee cozy's and tissue holder. I would be.
My table runner I started still isn't finished. I have to finish tying off the ends and it's done. That's all that's left. I just about go blind every time I try to work on it though. I need new glasses in the worst way. It was just for me to see if I could do it so that's no biggie if it gets done or not.
Still got a couple of corn bags to do but I'm switching over to rice this time. I am having bad luck with the field corn and I'm just going with rice from now on. I had my son's ready to go the other day and I pull out the corn, fill the sack and when I moved the collander the corn was in, there were little, tiny, black bugs all over my ironing board. I pitched the whole entire mess right outside. How gross!!! lol. At this point I am just going to make him and my daughter-in-law one each for a little Christmas gift. He's waited this long, what's another month? lol.
That's about all that's on my plate right now. I do want to get some drapes made. We're really starting to feel the draft with the cold weather setting in. I thought it would be a great way to use up some of that upholstry fabric I have and it would look at least a little better than the Cleveland Indians blanket over the windows. lol. What's everybody else got going on?
I'll call it a night for now. Hope everyone is stitching away.
Night, Night
Cozy Cat Pad
Hubby told me the other day if I made those cats a bed they would lay in it instead of on our furniture. HUH!!!! That's a fifty fifty HUH there folks. Part of it means, huh, if you want them to have a cat bed, You make them a cat bed. lol. And the other half means, Dang, he's right. lol. So yesterday after work I got busy. There was no reason I shouldn't have. I specifically saved a piece of foam rubber about the size of a couch cushion from a previous project to make them a bed, and I have a ton of upholstry fabric I'm not quite sure what to do with. So, I dug through my stash and I found a piece I didn't even have to cut and made a slip cover for the foam pad. Half hour max it took me. It's nothing fancy at all but they're cats. I've just recently been very ticked off at them and wasn't looking to make their lives any more comfortable for awhile. lol.
They had been sleeping together right in front of the couch and made it very inconvenient to get around them. After I got the pad done, I put it over in the corner where I wanted it out of the way and I tried for an hour and a half to get those dorks to go lay on it and they wouldn't think of it. I put the black one on it and he ran as fast as he could away from it. lol. So, when hubby got home I told him I made the stupid cats a stupid bed and they wouldn't even lay on it. lol. Guess what he did? He picked it up and throwed it over right in front of the couch where they have been laying and they couldn't get on the daggone thing fast enough then. HUH!!!!!! lol.
I'd say they like it. Too bad this weekend I'm movin' it. lol. They will not win. lol. I'm re-arranging to make way for the Christmas Tree and they can move it or lose it. lol. The Black & White is Boo Boo and the Tabby/Calico/? is Yogi. hehehehe. I loved them at one time so much but oh my gosh have they ever terrorized my house since we got them about 8 years ago. Boo Boo bullies me and I just want to stuff him and set him on the mantle for the most part. lol. But, you let someone else talk about them that way and watch out!!!!. lol. Here the spoiled rotten little creeps are:

I'll be back later to yack about other projects and Thanksgiving. Woo hoo. Getting so excited. See you all later.
They had been sleeping together right in front of the couch and made it very inconvenient to get around them. After I got the pad done, I put it over in the corner where I wanted it out of the way and I tried for an hour and a half to get those dorks to go lay on it and they wouldn't think of it. I put the black one on it and he ran as fast as he could away from it. lol. So, when hubby got home I told him I made the stupid cats a stupid bed and they wouldn't even lay on it. lol. Guess what he did? He picked it up and throwed it over right in front of the couch where they have been laying and they couldn't get on the daggone thing fast enough then. HUH!!!!!! lol.
I'd say they like it. Too bad this weekend I'm movin' it. lol. They will not win. lol. I'm re-arranging to make way for the Christmas Tree and they can move it or lose it. lol. The Black & White is Boo Boo and the Tabby/Calico/? is Yogi. hehehehe. I loved them at one time so much but oh my gosh have they ever terrorized my house since we got them about 8 years ago. Boo Boo bullies me and I just want to stuff him and set him on the mantle for the most part. lol. But, you let someone else talk about them that way and watch out!!!!. lol. Here the spoiled rotten little creeps are:

I'll be back later to yack about other projects and Thanksgiving. Woo hoo. Getting so excited. See you all later.
cat bed,
Christmas Tree,
upholstry fabric
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Got Inspired and Got To Sewing
I saw something today while blog reading that inspired me and I threw some stuff together this evening with some blocks that were already cut. Another batch from some my sister gave me. Woo Hoo. I am excited to see how it looks. My inspiration came from Susan. In her Tuesday, November 10th posting titled Turkey Day at Guild, the second picture of the wall hangings with the gifts on it was just the cutest thing I've seen in awhile and it inspired me to use up those blocks sister gave me. Here are a few photo's of my version so far. I got interupted to play a game of rummy with the old man and the boy. It was a good interuption though. Didn't mind putting it to rest for the night for that reason at all. He spanked the hubby and me. Had the lead from the beginning and left us both in the dust. lol.

So, I hope to get these ribbons all on and some strips/rows put in tomorrow when I get home from work. Gonna get ready for bed though tonight. Hope to be back tomorrow.
In case I haven't mentioned it lately, thank you to everyone who stops by. I sure appreciate it and it's so fun to read all your blogs and see all the beauty there is in this quilting world. So, thanks for coming to My Quilted World. lol. Sorry, couldn't resist. lol.
Happy Stitching

So, I hope to get these ribbons all on and some strips/rows put in tomorrow when I get home from work. Gonna get ready for bed though tonight. Hope to be back tomorrow.
In case I haven't mentioned it lately, thank you to everyone who stops by. I sure appreciate it and it's so fun to read all your blogs and see all the beauty there is in this quilting world. So, thanks for coming to My Quilted World. lol. Sorry, couldn't resist. lol.
Happy Stitching
Blackberry Creek Home Arts,
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Movin' Right Along
All this work and three posts in one day? Holy cow I feel like I've accomplished something today. lol. I now have all three sets of goodies done and am just waiting to get the calendar books so I can make those. The grocery store is the furthest I made it out today. It's raining and yucky and cold. I'm kinda tired of looking at tinkerbell tonight anyway though so I think I'll do one more non-tinkerbell project tonight before I call it quits for the day. I'm gonna make the boy the corn bag he's been whining about. lol. He said he was tempted to do it himself today. lol. I guess it's time I got to it. lol. Anyway here's a pic of all three sets of goodies I did:

As always, Happy Quilting to All!!!

As always, Happy Quilting to All!!!
WOOT!!! Look What I Did!!!!
Yep, I got off my lazy duff here awhile ago and I made these two silly little articles in about 30 minutes. Sad aint it? lol. Took me all this time to muster up the gumption to go do it and now look. I have one of my Christmas presents done now. I have two more sets of these to make and then I think I'm going to throw in a third piece to the set. Obviously the one is a coffee cozy and the second item in the pic is a travel tissue package cover. The third item I wanted to put in with them is one of those purse calendars, I want to make covers for those too. I went to the dollar store last night to get some and they didn't have them yet. Of course I actually need one before I can make a cover darn it. Maybe I'll sneak out some time today and try another store. Now I'm excited!!!! hehehe. Doesn't take much to tickle me does it? lol.

P.S. I belong to a forum called Our Gang Forum. A bunch of us used to work for an internet search engine called Cha Cha. That's how we all met but now that we've all for the most part left Cha Cha, we wanted a place to go and chat with each other and maintain our friendships with one another. That's how Our Gang Forum came about. It's for the most part a Work At Home Job board but we just talk about anything and have a great time. Anyway, a couple of the girls over there that I have come to know and like a lot are just bonkers crazy over tinkerbell. Hence, the fabric choice for these gifts. lol. I hope they don't pop over here and check out the blog anytime soon or the surprise is over. lol. By the way, if you're looking for a place just to come and chat with some good honest hard working people, please feel free to stop by and register. All the job listings don't hurt having a peak at either. lol. Thanks.

P.S. I belong to a forum called Our Gang Forum. A bunch of us used to work for an internet search engine called Cha Cha. That's how we all met but now that we've all for the most part left Cha Cha, we wanted a place to go and chat with each other and maintain our friendships with one another. That's how Our Gang Forum came about. It's for the most part a Work At Home Job board but we just talk about anything and have a great time. Anyway, a couple of the girls over there that I have come to know and like a lot are just bonkers crazy over tinkerbell. Hence, the fabric choice for these gifts. lol. I hope they don't pop over here and check out the blog anytime soon or the surprise is over. lol. By the way, if you're looking for a place just to come and chat with some good honest hard working people, please feel free to stop by and register. All the job listings don't hurt having a peak at either. lol. Thanks.
Another AC Article
For those of you unfamiliar with Associated Content, I'll try to briefly explain it. If you enjoy writing, you can sign up on Associated Content to become a Content Producer. That means you can write articles on any topic your little heart desires and get paid a little somethin', somethin' for it in the meantime. I started doing it a year or so ago and I've earned seventy some dollars. I didn't say it would make you rich but round here every little bit counts. I keep hoping one day I can do some more writing and earn even more but it's just like everything else I enjoy, there is never enough time to do it all. lol. In addition to pay per article, we get paid performance payments which are generated by the number of total page views on your content. A dollar fifty is the minimum payout for the month and don't you know I missed it by .37 cents this month. lol. we've been using my paypal debit, which is the way I am paid by them, to rent movies from a red box location new here in town. I also use what I make from AC to pay my etsy fee's. They aren't much so I usually always have the money there to pay when I'm due at etsy. There are countless people writing for AC and there are countless articles on countless topics available for your viewing pleasure over there. Some of the writer's are professional writers and others, like me, are just amateurs, wanna be's and such. lol. Anyway, I had another article published there this week and wanted to share it here. It's regarding ways to save money on utility bills. If you get a chance and are interested, you can check it out here: Ten Common Sense Suggestions to Lowering Utility Bills.
I was so, so stinking lazy yesterday I'm almost afraid to tell it on myself. lol. I did absolutely nothing but play on the computer all day. I did unload and reload the dishwasher and run it but that is it. lol. I wanted to sew because my friend picked me up some fabric to make some little Christmas presents and I've had it since Friday but it didn't even motivate me to move from either the desk or the couch. I have this grandiose notion that I'll get on it today but who am I kidding? lol. I have all of my work from yesterday to do today now so spare time to sew won't happen unless I just absolutely take it and let the fella's do some of the work around here today. lol. Yeh right!! lol.
I hope everyone has had a good weekend and that today will bring great inspiration to your quilty side. Have a Great Day!!!!
I was so, so stinking lazy yesterday I'm almost afraid to tell it on myself. lol. I did absolutely nothing but play on the computer all day. I did unload and reload the dishwasher and run it but that is it. lol. I wanted to sew because my friend picked me up some fabric to make some little Christmas presents and I've had it since Friday but it didn't even motivate me to move from either the desk or the couch. I have this grandiose notion that I'll get on it today but who am I kidding? lol. I have all of my work from yesterday to do today now so spare time to sew won't happen unless I just absolutely take it and let the fella's do some of the work around here today. lol. Yeh right!! lol.
I hope everyone has had a good weekend and that today will bring great inspiration to your quilty side. Have a Great Day!!!!
associated content,
Lowering Utility Bills,
red box
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Sorry I Haven't Been Around Much
Phew!! What a week. So, so glad tomorrow is Friday and this is my weekend off. I am tired and wore out. The freaking splinter in my arm traumatized me right off the bat this week. Voting almost made me go back on my meds cause I was so nervous. There has been serious drama at my work this whole entire week and home life has been crazy on top of it. I just want to go to bed and wake up next week all refreshed and full of it. lol.
I have been stopping in and checking on things here and going through my list of favorite blogs when I could this week. I'm sorry I haven't commented alot. I'll get back in touch with everybody this weekend I hope.
I hope everyone is well and being crafty. I have some fabric coming to me tomorrow that a friend at work picked up at joann's for me yesterday. I'm gonna make a few little Christmas presents from it. I'll post pics when I can. I'm so excited to be working on a Christmas present. What's that? Am I maybe looking forward to something? Holy cow!!! lol. I see so many lovely things taking shape on the blogs I follow and I commend all of you. How you stay so busy at it and devoted is beyond me. Maybe I need vitamins. lol. My pick up and go has packed up and went. lol.
My boy is home now so I'm going to call it a night for now. Everyone take care and hope to yack with you all soon.
Good Night and Happy Quilting!
ps, still waiting on my american patchwork and quilting magazine. so sad. waiting, waiting, waiting. lol.
I have been stopping in and checking on things here and going through my list of favorite blogs when I could this week. I'm sorry I haven't commented alot. I'll get back in touch with everybody this weekend I hope.
I hope everyone is well and being crafty. I have some fabric coming to me tomorrow that a friend at work picked up at joann's for me yesterday. I'm gonna make a few little Christmas presents from it. I'll post pics when I can. I'm so excited to be working on a Christmas present. What's that? Am I maybe looking forward to something? Holy cow!!! lol. I see so many lovely things taking shape on the blogs I follow and I commend all of you. How you stay so busy at it and devoted is beyond me. Maybe I need vitamins. lol. My pick up and go has packed up and went. lol.
My boy is home now so I'm going to call it a night for now. Everyone take care and hope to yack with you all soon.
Good Night and Happy Quilting!
ps, still waiting on my american patchwork and quilting magazine. so sad. waiting, waiting, waiting. lol.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Oh My Poor Wittle Arm
Man, it still makes me weak thinking about this here folks. About a month ago I got a splinter in my forearm. We dug and dug and dug it until it about killed me and got out what we could. I thought something was still in there for a few days cause I had this big old honkin' knot on my arm. Anyway, it went away and started to look better but lately I kept noticing a rough spot on it, like a callous. Yesterday I thought I saw a little black speck in the middle of it and by today I knew I saw something so I poked around and proded and this is what I found:

And here is my poor wittle arm now. lol. It looks alot better actually. It had taken on a purple goulish look the last few days as well. lol.

I have to tell you all I have been slightly weak since that came out and I am going to get ready and call it a night here soon.
I haven't been very creative at all lately. I keep popping in on all these great blogs and seeing all kinds of inspiration and it keeps me dreaming of "one day" I'll be able to do that. lol. Hope everyone is being more productive than me. Happy Quilting. Sweet Dreams.

And here is my poor wittle arm now. lol. It looks alot better actually. It had taken on a purple goulish look the last few days as well. lol.

I have to tell you all I have been slightly weak since that came out and I am going to get ready and call it a night here soon.
I haven't been very creative at all lately. I keep popping in on all these great blogs and seeing all kinds of inspiration and it keeps me dreaming of "one day" I'll be able to do that. lol. Hope everyone is being more productive than me. Happy Quilting. Sweet Dreams.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
This is Nora. She's a Hoot!!!! I work with her and she was all in the Halloween spirit!!! lol. I'm just getting to know her and she seems like a really sweet lady. I don't know if you can tell or not but she is at or slightly over six feet tall. Her legs are longer than I am tall. lol. Just thought I'd share this photo tonight real quick. I'm sorry I didn't make it back to boo anyone but I was asleep by 8:30 last night. lol. That is what getting up at 4 a.m. will do to you. lol. And speaking of, have to do it again tomorrow so I am over and out here tonight. I'll try to catch up tomorrow when I get off work. Take care. Happy Quilting.

I don't know what happened to this second photo. I don't know where her head went. lol. Sorry Nora. I've made you headless. But I still wanted to show it because you can see the full costume that way. Her shirt had lights on it that twinkle with voice activation. lol. It took her a few hours to get ready and do her make up. lol. She loves Halloween. lol.
I'm done now. lol. Good Night.

I don't know what happened to this second photo. I don't know where her head went. lol. Sorry Nora. I've made you headless. But I still wanted to show it because you can see the full costume that way. Her shirt had lights on it that twinkle with voice activation. lol. It took her a few hours to get ready and do her make up. lol. She loves Halloween. lol.
I'm done now. lol. Good Night.
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