Saturday, November 1, 2008

This is Nora. She's a Hoot!!!! I work with her and she was all in the Halloween spirit!!! lol. I'm just getting to know her and she seems like a really sweet lady. I don't know if you can tell or not but she is at or slightly over six feet tall. Her legs are longer than I am tall. lol. Just thought I'd share this photo tonight real quick. I'm sorry I didn't make it back to boo anyone but I was asleep by 8:30 last night. lol. That is what getting up at 4 a.m. will do to you. lol. And speaking of, have to do it again tomorrow so I am over and out here tonight. I'll try to catch up tomorrow when I get off work. Take care. Happy Quilting.



I don't know what happened to this second photo. I don't know where her head went. lol. Sorry Nora. I've made you headless. But I still wanted to show it because you can see the full costume that way. Her shirt had lights on it that twinkle with voice activation. lol. It took her a few hours to get ready and do her make up. lol. She loves Halloween. lol.

I'm done now. lol. Good Night.



Julie said...

Hmmm, okay now. Who is "Nora" really? I have my suspicion!

Renee said...

oh julie. lol. i promise it's nora. lol. i couldn't do something like that nowadays. too old. lol. i'm boring now. lol. have a good evening.