Sunday, November 2, 2008

Oh My Poor Wittle Arm

Man, it still makes me weak thinking about this here folks. About a month ago I got a splinter in my forearm. We dug and dug and dug it until it about killed me and got out what we could. I thought something was still in there for a few days cause I had this big old honkin' knot on my arm. Anyway, it went away and started to look better but lately I kept noticing a rough spot on it, like a callous. Yesterday I thought I saw a little black speck in the middle of it and by today I knew I saw something so I poked around and proded and this is what I found:


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blog 1

And here is my poor wittle arm now. lol. It looks alot better actually. It had taken on a purple goulish look the last few days as well. lol.

blog 2

I have to tell you all I have been slightly weak since that came out and I am going to get ready and call it a night here soon.

I haven't been very creative at all lately. I keep popping in on all these great blogs and seeing all kinds of inspiration and it keeps me dreaming of "one day" I'll be able to do that. lol. Hope everyone is being more productive than me. Happy Quilting. Sweet Dreams.



Julie said...

Ouch! What a splinter!

Renee said...

that's what i'm sayin'. lol.

Sara said...

Now that looks like it hurt! Yuck!

Renee said...

it wasn't too painful coming out really. only when i poked the actual splinter in the beginning. if i hadn't known it was in there for sure before that, boy i did then. lol. it's all good now. healing up just fine and not so noticeable at all anymore. thank goodness.